Wednesday 11 April 2012

Q3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After we believed to be finished we showed a group of people our products, then asked a couple of questions and write down the answers. We did our first questionnaire among our friends, however we realised that they were bias towards our music video and couldn’t give much constructive feedback as they didn’t want to be rude. We ended up redoing the questionnaire among people we did not know.

Music video:
What do you like about the music video?

“I liked the use of the slow near the begging”
“The video was very funny”
“It’s good that you used different settings, it made it more interesting”
“I think the use of the quick cuts made it interesting, there was a lot to watch it didn’t get boring”
“I the fact that you’ve used different camera angles”

What do you like about the ancillaries:

“I like the colours you have used in the magazine and the front cover the work very well together”
“I like the effect you have used on the back cover”
“I like the black and white background in the inlays”

Music Videos
What don’t you like about the music video?

“I think the band performance kind of lets down the music video because they don’t look like they are really enjoying themselves”
“The video quality of some of the clips could be improved”
“I think that you should change the band”

What don’t you like about the ancillaries?
“I think the colours used for the back cover are too bright they don’t work because you haven’t used them on your other ancillaries”
On one of you inlays you can clearly see that you have cut around the boys, you have to make it more neat”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have the exact same photo on the magazine as you do on the front cover”

We thought we had finished the two products but the audience feedback showed that we had a lot more to do to improve the products. The audience feedback is important because sometimes you can’t see any faults within your products you need an external point of view to realise the improvements that need to be made. The audience are your consumers so it’s important to give them what they want, the audience feedback allows us to do this.