Friday 26 August 2011

Rihanna- umbrella

Rihanna’s music video for umbrella was very successful and continuously played on MTV. During the second half of 2007 it reached over 8,000 plays. In 2007 MTV Video Music Awards Umbrella won “Video of the Year”

Forms and conventions:
Genre: R&B
Video director: Chris Applebaum
Date of release: 2007
Type of music video: performance based

Adherence to R&B Music Video Conventions:
 - Choreographed dancing
- Sexually provocative costumes
- Flashy jewellery / bling
- Additional rapping
-  Fast paced beat
-  Use of close- ups of artist’s  facial expressions
-  Variety of camera techniques used ( wide shot, medium shots) to sustain audience interest .
- Use of computer generated imagery

- Use of props (umbrella)

-  Clear relationship between lyrics and images  (umbrella/ rain)

- Short quick edits
- Match on action editing

-  Use of jump cuts


Rihanna uses the dancing technique of en pointe ballet. This was famously used in Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean music video,  as Michael Jackson is extremely well known a mass audience is then able recognise the similarities in the videos and gain pleasure from this. 

The use of the technique portrays Rihanna as a skilled dancer/ performer. The en pointe ballet also appeals to an upper class audience whilst the dark cloths and make up appeals to a gothic audience. They’ve incorporated these things so that the video will appeal to a mainstream audience.

-The jewellery/ bling shes wearing connotes wealth and high status. These are typical conventions of R&B/ Hip Hop. Audience members are likely to envy this and emulate her style in order to appear as being wealthy. 

-Rihanna’s black tight clothing presents her as being sexually provocative, making it appeal to a male audience.

-Her image as a mainstream artist who is destined for success in the music industry is strengthened by the appearance of jay-z one of the most successful rappers of recent years.

-the high production values of CGI used in the video consolidates her identity as a mainstream artist who would appeal to a large mainstream audience. The cutting edge technology reflects her as an up to date contemporary artist. 

American rapper Jay-z’s appearance in the video:

-       -Attracts audience from hip hop/ rap genres.
-       -At the time jay-z was the president of the label def jam records, who Rihanna is signed therefore its also in his best intreats for Rihanna to be successful.
-       - Rihanna would have benefited from this support
-       -Def jam is a subsidiary of the universal music group.
-       -Exhibited on a variety of digital music channels that are dedicated to pop and R&B
-       -Distributed on YouTube and iTunes, after premiering on

-The video also used product placement of Jay-z clothing label Rocawear, this is a clever technique for the brand to be advertised consequently Jay-z is making more profit.
-Female audiences may identify with Rihanna the video (uses and gratification theory personal identity)
-Rihanna’s appearance connotes negative ideas of women being sex objects, to be looked at by male audiences (hypodermic needle theory). However, this view would only be shared by radical feminists such as Laura Mulvey (feminist film theorist) who believes that male audiences receive visual pleasure from looking at Rihanna. Whereas post- feminists may argue that the video is not degrading women as Rihanna is using her sexual appeal to her advantage by controlling men with it. She is successful, independent and in control. Women may envy this and as a result emulate her behaviour.

-The shot of where Rihanna is naked and covered in silver body paint reflects Madonna in the music video Fever. Fans of hers may gain pleasure from recognising and understanding the intertextual reference.



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