Wednesday 9 November 2011

Production log

Today we shoot the scene where the 'geek' is revealing his 'new look' in school. We had a short amount of time to shoot the scene because the school was getting prepared for parents evening. The time pressure meant that we were a lot more focused to get it done. For this scene we wanted to have a tracking shot where the camera was moving down the corridor, however the lack of equipment, like a dolly for the camera, meant that we had to be creative with filming. We managed to tape the camera to a ladder with wheels, this gave good results however when looking back at the shot i realised it was a bit fuzzy at times so we might have to re-shoot this scene.

Friday 4 November 2011

Magazine Advert-- Florence and the Machine

The main image on the advert and the type of font used is same as the album cover, product identity is created by this so that if the advert appeals to the audience then they would recognise the album when they go to buy it. They have also decided to this specific image to bring across the artistic and quirky but yet serious feel which the image has. The image is in colour whilst the background is black, this makes the image the focal point for the audience which is important as the audience need to identify the artist when buying the CD. The artist feel to it also suggests that the album, like the image, is unique and a masterpiece.

The title of the band is written in a flowing, joint, handwriting type of font which makes it look feminine    liking in with the main image. The important information such as the album name 'Lungs' is printed in a simple font so that its easier to read. It also stands out because its in white on a black background. Popular songs on the album are included in the copy in order to persuade audiences into buying the album. The CD is aimed at a mixture of audiences. I believe its mainly aimed at adults as it is formal, dark and available in 'vinyl', which is mainly used by adults. However it is also available in 'Digital' format and a website for the album is offered suggesting a younger audience would also be interested.

production log

we had to pospone today's shooting session because we needed to use the green screen but it was not available.

Ellie Goulding - Magazine Advert

This is an effective magazine advert because it is obvious the artist has carefully thought about the title of the album 'Lights' and linked it with the main image by applying small lights around her hair. The brightness and colour of the lights make the image eye catching. The lights create a  of mystery and innocences which could reflect the type of music she produces and her personality. The bright lights also go with the saying 'bright star' suggesting that Ellie Goulding is a popular and talented artist therefore making her album worth purchasing.

The main image is one which is used for her album cover. The similarity creates product identity, as audiences will be able to recognise the album when shopping because its similar to the magazine advert therefore they will be drawn to it more.

The colours used throughout the advert are mainly gold and black. The colour gold connotes wealth, superiority and royalty whilst black is more formal, it suggests that these qualities are prominent in her album. The gold colour is also used as its a play o her name 'Goulding' which sounds like her name.

The typography is a bright gold colour which makes it stand out. A different, more curvy, font is used for the letters E and G this gives the typography more of a flow. Its also makes it different from the rest of the typography used, therefore her name is more noticeable which is vital as audiences have to remember her name for when they are buying her album. The rest of the copy is used to promote her album. Quotes and starts by respectable well know magazines such as 'Q Magazine' and ' The Idependent' are used to give credit to Ellie Gouldings work. The opinion of these magazines is trusted, especially the opinion of music magazines as they are experts in the industry,  therefore the audience is more likely to purchase the album as they believe it will reflect the decent quotes. The website for the album is also placed at the bottom of the advert in order for audiences to obtain more information about the album. The idea of cross media marketing is used by advertising the website in the magazine. Having the promotion online as well as in a magazine is an effective way of promoting the album to a mainstream audience, consequently the record label and artist receive more revenue.

The logo of the record label she is signed on to is printed at the bottom of the poster. The company is well know for producing well known artists therefore this makes Ellie Goulding appeal more the audiences, the log is also included for legislation purposes.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

production log

The school corridor scene was shoot in school, because of this it was hard to shoot as the shot kept on getting disturbed by students and teachers walking passed and into the shot. Many extras were needed in order for the shot to look realistic however having a lot of people on set was distracting and as a result we went through many shots.