Thursday 29 March 2012

Production log

Today me and my group tried working with the footage of the band however when we showed our class mates they all agreed that it wasn't on the same standards as the rest of the footage. After much deliberation i suggested that we film random people singing along to the bands lyrics. We only had 2 hours in which we could gather up people willing to sing along to the lyrics, film the footage and upload it on adobe premiere. We managed to do all of this, tomorrow i will hopefully manage to finish the whole music video.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Creating the CD front cover and magazine advert

We wanted our album name Canvas to link in with the CD front cover image, therefore to begin with we took a photo of a plain canvas, with the idea in mind that we would place the image of the band on it.
We decided to make the background of the image dark so that the image on the canvas would stand out. 

in order to get this effect we increase the saturation and lowered the lighting on photoshop. We wanted the red, black and white colours in the photo to stand out as they tied in well with our colour scheme.

Wanted to use the same image as the front cover of the CD for the magazine advert so that when audiences member will know what the CD looks like if the advert temps them to buy it.
The flattering quotes and 5 stars are used in order to make audiences believe that the CD it worth a buy.
We decided to change the image of the magazine, we used the image that was used for the back cover of the CD. We believe that this would be effective because the image would be recognised because its on the back of the CD, we gave the image the same effect as the CD front cover image and we added the record company logo in order to create brand identity so that audiences can easily recognise that the album. We also added the bands website and their Facebook and Twitter accounts in case audiences want more information on the band. We decided to add these websites because many audiences members are now beginning to use social networking sites to stay in touch with celebrities, especially young people who are our main target audience.

Chage In CD Back Cover

After viewing all the anciligies together we decided that the colour of the track list should change in order to create brand identity to do this we kept the colour scheme (red, white and black) the same.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Production log

today we were able to film our final footage, the band scenes. The band members were very shy and conserved, and because they weren't friends they didn't act naturally towards each other. We however need to work with this footage as it's too close to the deadline to change the whole band.

This is some of the footage be managed to shoot

Monday 26 March 2012

Production log

Today we were able to show our peers the footage that we have been working on. We did this in order to get feedback and information on what needs improving.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Creating the back cover for the album

We decided to stick with the original layout that we previously made because it conformed to the typical conventions of the back of an album. We made sure to include everything need for the back of the album; song titles, spine, bar code, institutional information and the logo of the record company. We choose to have a simple font for the typography so that it could easily be read. 
The main thing we changed was the main image of the album. We decided to choose this image because the medium close up frame clearly shows the artists for the audience to recongnise. We also thought the pose was effective because the lead singer is the only one looking directly at the camera which catches audiences attention as it seem like he is watching them. We directed them to pose in this way in order to catch the audiences attention, we choose Jordan to look directly at the camera because he's the lead singer and would therefore be the most well know member in the band as a result fans will be more familiar with him. This pose was inspired by images that the Arctic Monkeys used in their albums. 

One of the problems that we faced was the image being too small, we could not stretch out the photo to fit the whole background because the song titles would overlapped the two of the band members, making the album look unprofessional. In order to avoid this we cropped a section of the background from another photo and added it to the image we had chosen.

We decided to blur the background so that it would look as one, rather then two separate images. The brightness and contrast of the image was also lowered so that the bright colours would be more outstanding.  Having the background blurry also makes the setting more mysterious, as the location we choose did not connote anything interesting that went with the theme of the album or name.
We then made the spines of the CD more clear by making them black. We also changed the colour scheme from white, yellow, blue and orange to yellow, blue and red because they are primary colours and therefore most commonly used. They are also bright and eye-catching colours making the ablum appeal more to the audience. We also chose these colours because we wanted the album to look colourful as the name of the band is 'The Colours'. We also changed the coulours so that they would stand out against the background because the previous white colour used for the song titles did not stand out.  We made a conscious choice to have the track numbers and song titles different colours so that it would be easier for the audience to read and trace whatever song they wanted to listen to.

Because the album is called Canvas we wanted to give the image an effect so that it would look like it had been painted onto a canvas. I firstly thought of having an image of a canvas at the back of the image of the band. I then slightly faded the image of the band so that the texture of the canvas would show through the band photo. However we decided that this was not effective because the image did not stand out as much after it was faded out. We showed the image to a group of people and asked if the image looked like it had been painted onto a canvas. The general response was that the texture did look like a painted canvas but the image should be brighter therefore we changed it again. 

Another idea we had was to have the background of the image cut out so that the canvas can clearly be seen. Although this made the typography stand out, the final product did not look finished. It was also very difficult to get the edges of the image to bled in with the image of the canvas. The rough edges made the album look unprofessional. 

We finally thought to change the texture of the image. We added a craquelure texture and played around with he spacing, depth and brightness of the cracks until we were sure that the image had a painted effect. 

We changed the logo of the record company so that i would look more unique compared to the rest of the typography. We choose to merge the first letters of our group members names and came up with the name RSN Records for the record label name. We choose the Rosewood Std font because its bold and different from the rest of the typography. We added a black stroke to the font to make it stand out even more.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Rejeced images

This image was rejected because Ankit was placed in the middle suggesting he's the lead singer, this was not the case as Jordan is the lead singer, therefore the main focus should be on him rather then on Ankit

This high angle image was rejected because the high angle connotes that they have  low status.
this image was rejected because Klevis was main focus rather than the lead singer Jordan.
This image was rejected because the background was not appropriate for a pop album.

The band members were too spaced out, they didn't look like a close group of friends which is what we wanted to portray.
This lighting in this image was too dark to use
We rejected this image because the light on Klevis's head made the image look unprofessional.
This image was rejected because of the background.
we changed the angle of the camera so that we would get a different background, however re still decided to reject this image because we didn't like the angry facial expression on Jordan

production log

After working on the ancelary task we have decided that the photo's which were take are not good enough for the final product.
For the previous photo shoot we got the band members to wear all plain white t-shirts because we wanted to change the colour of then in photoshop. Although the bright colours when well with the pop genre and were very eye catching it proved difficult to get the same colour tone for all the photos.  

We had to change the bad again because some members were not reliable and could not make the photo shoot. We decided to welcome back the previous member, Jordan, and replace Mathew With a new member name Klevis. We believe that Klevis is very enthusiastic about the project and is very reliable. Klevis's appearance is also not much different to Mathews therefore he is also a believable pop band member.  

This time round we made made sure that we shoot on different locations as we did not get the opportunity to do so in the other photo shoot. We also made sure we got different angles which we could work with