Saturday, 17 September 2011


Circle your answers unless more detail is required


1) How old are you?

13-16       17-18      19-21     22-24      25+

2) What gender are you?

Male             female

3) What genre of music do you listen to?

Rock     Hip hop    RnB    Indie   Jazz    Mental   Pop     Other……………..(please specify)

4) Name three of your favourite or what you would consider to be the most memorable music videos.




5) What type of music videos would you prefer to watch?

Narrative Based (when as story is being told)

Performance Based

Concept Based (based around a theme or idea)

A mixture

6) Do you prefer to listen to music or watch it?


7) What conventions would you like to see in a pop music video? (you can circle more then one)

Dark colours      light colours     Positive story line     Negative story line   

8) Do you think pop videos should have a positive moral?

Yes     No

9) Would you prefer to watch black and white music videos or one in colour?

Colour         Black and white      mixture of both

10) Does product placement put you of watching music videos?

Yes   No

11) What do you mostly enjoy about music videos?


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