Thursday 8 September 2011

Jason Derulo- Ridin' Solo

Name of track: Ridin' Solo
Artist: Jason Derlulo
Director:Scott Speer
Type of music video:performance based/ 
narrative based
Genre: hip-hop/ R&B
The video is about a man (Jason Derulo) who has split up from his girlfriend, and is now enjoying life being single.

Adherence to Hip-hop/R&B music video conventions:

-instrument being played- Piano
whilst on the piano he is singing 'Blind' which is a track on his debut album therefore he is promoting it. The dark colours used create as sad atmosphere which reflects his feelings as he is talking about the break-up.
- hip-hop Dancing    
Shows of his dancing ability, dance is something which interests a Hip-Hop/ R&B audience so by including a routine the targeted audience are more likely to watch it.
-Close ups, fast pace editing e.g jump shots and match on action      
Close- up used in order for his face to be recognised so audience know who's music video they're watching. Females fans can also admire Jason Dorulo here as they see him clearly  
-club scene
Goes well with the theme of the music video, which is about having fun being single,  as a club is the  most likely place young people go to enjoy themselves. This scene also gives the opportunity to show men and women dancing and looking sexually promiscuous -females being sexually explicit. this is done to attract a male audience 
 -Females being sexually explicit.
This is used to attract a male audience
materialism E.G: watch, car Honda CR-Z, fashionable clothes, shades.
on Derulo is portrayed as being wealthy this is denoted by the show of flashy cars, expensive jewelry and stylish clothes. He is portrayed in this way for the audience to envy and emulate him. This also makes him appear successful as it suggests that he’s made enough money to spend on these lavish items, which are clearly highlighted by individual medium close-up shots.
Most Hip-Hop/ R&B music videos include alcohol in their music videos to show that they are enjoying themselves, also alcohol is expensive therefore by showing that they can buy an unlimited amount of it they appear as being wealthy.

Jason Derulo's choreography, which incorporates Hip-Hop/R&B dancing, strongly reflects Michael Jackson’s dancing. He has chosen to pastiche Michael Jackson's moves because Jackson is very well known and popular with most Hip-Hop and R&B fans, which are the targeted audience for Jason Derulo, therefore they’ll enjoy watching it. His clothes such as the jacket also mirrors Michael Jackson's style such as iconic leather jacket

His successful image is strengthened by the women in the club as they are trying desperatly to get his attention this makes him appear as a big celebrity.  This however isn’t a possitvie representation of women as it implies that they’re ‘gold diggers’ and only want him because of his money and high status. It suggests that they need to reply on a man for money as they are not capable of earning a great amount themselves. Women are degraded furthermore as they are shown as sexual objects for Jason Derulo to choose from wearing revealing clothing in order to catch his attention. 

I believe the video uses intersexuality because the dancing scene with the bright lights in the background is very similar to Justin Timberlake’s Rock Your Body music video. Some audience members may gain please in noticing this. However it does make the video seem less original and unique

The video has high production values made obvious by the seamless editing, therefore Jason Durulo must have had a big budget to work with. The video use’s a lot of product placement which is where most of the money for the music video may have come from. The products that are advertised are; the Honda CR-Z, Ipad and the dating website Plenty of Fish. By in including these products in his music video Jason Durulo and the products company are making more profit.

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