Sunday 18 September 2011

Questionnaire & Results

I created a questionnaire as part of my primary research in order to get information on my audience. This helped inform me on what they enjoyed and disliked about music video’s. Whilst coming up with the idea for my music video I bared the information I gathered in mind as the information is vital to making a successful music video.

1.     .How old are you?
        Between 13- 25

I distributed my questionnaires to a variety of different age groups. However i mainly focused on a younger audience because they are the age group we are going to aim our music video at.

2.     Male or Female

50% male – 50% female
we're aiming the video at both a male and female audience therefore I made sure my questionnaires were evenly distributed.

3.     what genre of music do you listen to?

35% Hip-hop    RnB 30%    pop 15%     rock 10%     jazz 5%   indie 2%

Hip-hop, R&B and pop were the most popular proving that these are the genres young people like listening to. Typically jazz was unpopular this is because this music is aimed at an older audience. The results also show that indie music should be targeted at a niche audience, as there isn’t a mainstream audience out there that listens to it.

4.     Name three of your favourite or what you would consider to be the most memorable music videos.

The two music video that kept coming up were Michael Jackson’s thriller and Katy Perry’s Last Friday Night (FGIF). The one thing these music video’s have in common is that they are both long FGIT is about 9 minutes long and Thriller is 14 minutes. They are so long because they show a clear narrative, which expands beyond the song. This leaves me to believe that audiences enjoy watching clear narrative based music videos.

5.     What type of music videos would you prefer to watch

50% mixture    30% Narrative based    10% performance based    10%concept based.

This shows that audiences like watching a music video with a mixture of of types. This is most probably because they like a Varity of different things being shown as it makes the video less boring to watch. Narrative base was also quite popular proving that they enjoy when a story is being told through the music video.

6.     Do you prefer to listen to music or watch it?

50% listen to it 50% watch it

This proves that there is an audience for music videos as many like watching them.

7.     What conventions would you like to see in a pop music video?

Dark colours      light colours     Positive story line     Negative story line      

Most audience members liked light colours and and positive story line. These are typical conventions of pop music videos proving that audience’s don’t enjoy watching music videos that go against the norm of there genre.

8.     Do you think pop video’s should have a positive moral.

40% Yes   60% No

This shows that audiences don’t really mind if music video are quite pessimistic, i believe this is because if the music video is a bit saddening then it would be different to most typical pop music videos.

9.     Would you prefer to watch black and white music videos or ones in coulour?

5%  Black and white    85% in colour   10%A mixture of both

this shows that there is not much of an audience for old fashioned black and white music videos, leading me to believing that audicnes nowadays like to see the use of bright colours and technology such as CGI. However some did say that they would prefer seeing a mixture of both black and white and colour, i believe that this is because it is not common in most videos; audiences like watching new features in music videos.

10.  Does product placement put you of watching music videos?

60% Yes   40%

Most recent music video use heavily based product placement, which by my results prove to be of putting. However it does make companies and the artist more overall, but it should be done more subtly.

11.  What do you enjoy about music videos.

The popular answer was; to see what the artist intended the song to be about.

These shows that our view on the song could change after watching the music video that goes with it, and that a music video should show a lot about a song.

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